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module.exports = {
// 继承推荐规范配置
extends: [
// 指定不同文件对应的解析器
overrides: [
files: ["**/*.{vue,html}"],
customSyntax: "postcss-html",
files: ["**/*.{css,scss}"],
customSyntax: "postcss-scss",
// 自定义规则
rules: {
"import-notation": "string", // 指定导入CSS文件的方式("string"|"url")
"selector-class-pattern": null, // 选择器类名命名规则
"custom-property-pattern": null, // 自定义属性命名规则
"keyframes-name-pattern": null, // 动画帧节点样式命名规则
"no-descending-specificity": null, // 允许无降序特异性
"no-empty-source": null, // 允许空样式
// 允许 global 、export 、deep伪类
"selector-pseudo-class-no-unknown": [
ignorePseudoClasses: ["global", "export", "deep"],
// 允许未知属性
"property-no-unknown": [
ignoreProperties: [],
// 允许未知规则
"at-rule-no-unknown": [
ignoreAtRules: ["apply", "use"],