first commit

李小林 10 months ago
commit e96599b411
  1. 15
  2. 16
  3. 6
  4. 14
  5. 284
  6. 88
  7. 18
  8. 4
  9. 4
  10. 11
  11. 46
  12. 11
  13. 51
  14. 11
  15. 80
  16. 199
  17. 49
  18. 93
  19. 62
  20. 120
  21. BIN
  22. 39
  23. 88
  24. 45
  25. 59
  26. 77
  27. 71
  28. 69
  29. 33
  30. 24
  31. 31
  32. 150
  33. 142
  34. 49
  35. 29
  36. 13
  37. 43
  38. 30
  39. 39
  40. 33
  41. 7
  42. 87
  43. 124
  44. 112
  45. 78
  46. 19
  47. 16
  48. 140
  49. 124
  50. 1
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  95. BIN
  96. BIN
  97. BIN
  98. BIN
  99. BIN
  100. BIN
  101. Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
root = true
# 表示所有文件适用
charset = utf-8 # 设置文件字符集为 utf-8
end_of_line = lf # 控制换行类型(lf | cr | crlf)
indent_style = space # 缩进风格(tab | space)
indent_size = 2 # 缩进大小
insert_final_newline = true # 始终在文件末尾插入一个新行
# 表示仅 md 文件适用以下规则
max_line_length = off # 关闭最大行长度限制
trim_trailing_whitespace = false # 关闭末尾空格修剪

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
## 开发环境
# 应用端口
# 代理前缀
VITE_APP_BASE_API = '/dev-api'
# 线上接口地址
# 开发接口地址
VITE_APP_API_URL = http://localhost:8989
# 是否启用 Mock 服务

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
## 生产环境
# 代理前缀
VITE_APP_BASE_API = '/prod-api'

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@

@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
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@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
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.gitignore vendored

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# Editor directories and files

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
. "$(dirname "$0")/_/"
npx --no-install commitlint --edit $1

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
. "$(dirname "$0")/_/"
npm run lint:lint-staged

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
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parser: "html",

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@

@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
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@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
"recommendations": [

@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
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@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
# 2.9.2 (2024/03/05)
### ✨ feat
- vscode开发扩展推荐 (author by [cshaptx4869](
- 完善基础增删改查Mock接口 (author by [haoxianrui](
### ♻ refactor
- 修改login密码框功能实现(author by [cshaptx4869](
- 弱化页面进入动画效果(author by [cshaptx4869](
- 取消推荐TypeScript Vue Plugin (author by [cshaptx4869](
- 网站加载动画替换 (author by [haoxianrui](
- 优化主题和主题色监听,避免多个页面重复初始化 (author by [haoxianrui](
### 🐛 fix
- AppMain 高度在非固定头部不正确导致出现滚动条问题修复 (author by [haoxianrui](
- 修复混合模式开启固定Head时的样式问题 (author by [cshaptx4869](
- 设置面板统一字体大小 (author by [cshaptx4869](
### 📦build
- 通过env配置控制mock服务 (author by [cshaptx4869](
- 升级依赖包至最新版本 (author by [haoxianrui](
- 定义vite全局常量替换项目标题和版本 (author by [cshaptx4869](
# 2.9.1 (2024/02/28)
### ♻ refactor
- 项目配置按钮移入navbar(author by [cshaptx4869](
- 优化user数据定义(author by [cshaptx4869](
- 统一设置栏的 SVG 图标风格
### 🐛 fix
- 规整一些开发依赖 (author by [cshaptx4869](
- 修复登录页主题切换问题 (author by [cshaptx4869](
### 🚀 pref
- 压缩图片资源 (author by [cshaptx4869](
# 2.9.0 (2024/02/25)
### ✨ feat
- 引入 animate.css 动画库
- 新增水印和配置
- 动态路由菜单支持 element plus 的图标
### ♻ refactor
- Layout 布局重构和相关问题修复
- sass 使用 @use 替代 @import 引入外部文件指令
### 🐛 fix
- 修复管理页面部分弹窗无法打开问题
- 主题颜色设置按钮 hover 等未变化问题修复
# 2.8.1 (2024/01/10)
### ✨ feat
- 替换 Mock 解决方案 vite-plugin-mock 为 vite-plugin-mock-dev-server 适配 Vite5
# 2.8.0 (2023/12/27)
### ⬆ chore
- 升级 Vite4 至 Vite5
# 2.7.1 (2023/12/12)
### ♻ refactor
- 将打包后的文件进行分类 (author by [ityangzhiwen](
# 2.7.0 (2023/11/19)
### ♻ refactor
- 代码重构优化
- 修改自动导入组件类型声明文件路径
- 完善 typescript 类型
### 🐛 fix
- 修复管理页面部分弹窗无法打开问题
# 2.7.0 (2023/11/19)
### ♻ refactor
- 代码重构
- 修改自动导入组件类型声明文件路径
- 完善 typescript 类型
### 🐛 fix
- 修复管理页面部分弹窗无法打开问题
# 2.6.3 (2023/10/22)
### ✨ feat
- 菜单管理新增目录只有一级子路由是否始终显示(alwaysShow)和路由页面是否缓存(keepAlive)的配置
- 接口文档新增 swagger、knife4j
- 引入和支持 tsx
### ♻ refactor
- 代码瘦身,整理并删除未使用的 svg
- 控制台样式优化
### 🐛 fix
- 菜单栏折叠和展开的图标暗黑模式显示问题修复
# 2.6.2 (2023/10/11)
### 🐛 fix
- 主题设置未持久化问题
- UnoCSS 插件无智能提示
### ♻ refactor
- WebSocket 演示样式和代码优化
- 用户管理代码重构
# 2.6.1 (2023/9/4)
### 🐛 fix
- 导航顶部模式、混合模式样式在固定 Header 出现的样式问题修复
- 固定 Header 没有持久化问题修复
- 字典回显兼容 String 和 Number 类型
# 2.6.0 (2023/8/24)💥💥💥
### ✨ feat
- 导航顶部模式、混合模式支持(author by [april-tong](
- 平台文档(内嵌)(author by [april-tong](
# 2.5.0 (2023/8/8)
### ✨ feat
- 新增 Mock(author by [ygcaicn](
- 图标 DEMO(author by [ygcaicn](
### 🐛 fix
- 字典支持 Number 类型
# 2.4.1 (2023/7/20)
### ✨ feat
- 整合 vite-plugin-compression 插件打包优化(3.66MB → 1.58MB) (author by [april-tong](
- 字典组件封装(author by [haoxr](
### 🐛 fix
- 分页组件hidden无效
- 签名无法保存至后端
- Git 提交 stylelint 校验部分机器报错
# 2.4.0 (2023/6/17)
### ✨ feat
- 新增组件标签输入框(author by [april-tong](
- 新增组件签名(author by [april-tong](
- 新增组件表格(author by [april-tong](
- Echarts 图表添加下载功能 author by [april-tong](
### ♻ refactor
- 限制包管理器为 pnpm 和 node 版本16+
- 自定义组件自动导入配置
- 搜索框样式写法优化
### 🐛 fix
- 用户导入的部门回显成数字问题修复
### ⬆ chore
- element-plus 版本升级 2.3.5 → 2.3.6
# 2.3.1 (2023/5/21)
### 🔄 refactor
- 组件示例文件名称优化
# 2.2.2 (2023/5/11)
### ✨ feat
- 组件封装示例添加源码地址
- 角色、菜单、部门、字段按钮添加权限控制
# 2.3.0 (2023/5/12)
### ⬆ chore
- vue 版本升级 3.2.45 → 3.3.1 ([CHANGELOG](
- vite 版本升级 4.3.1 → 4.3.5
### ♻ refactor
- 使用 vue 3.3 版本新特性 `defineOptions``setup` 定义组件名称,移除重复的 `script` 标签
# 2.2.2 (2023/5/11)
### ✨ feat
- 用户新增提交添加 `vueUse``useDebounceFn` 函数实现按钮防抖节流
# 2.2.1 (2023/4/25)
### 🐛 fix
- 图标选择器组件使用 `onClickOutside` 未排除下拉弹出框元素导致无法输入搜索。

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
## 项目启动
# 安装依赖
pnpm install
# 启动运行
pnpm run dev
## 项目部署
# 项目打包
pnpm run build:prod
# 上传文件至远程服务器
将打包生成在 `dist` 目录下的文件拷贝至 `/usr/share/nginx/html` 目录
# nginx.cofig 配置
server {
listen 80;
server_name localhost;
location / {
root /usr/share/nginx/html;
index index.html index.htm;
# 反向代理配置
location /prod-api/ {
proxy_pass; # vapi.youlai.tech替换成你的后端API地址
## 注意事项
- **自动导入插件自动生成默认关闭**
模板项目的组件类型声明已自动生成。如果添加和使用新的组件,请按照图示方法开启自动生成。在自动生成完成后,记得将其设置为 `false`,避免重复执行引发冲突。

@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
module.exports = {
// 继承的规则
extends: ["@commitlint/config-conventional"],
// 自定义规则
rules: {
// @see
// 提交类型枚举,git提交type必须是以下类型
"type-enum": [
"feat", // 新增功能
"fix", // 修复缺陷
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"ci", // 修改 CI 配置、脚本
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"chore", // 对构建过程或辅助工具和库的更改(不影响源文件、测试用例)
"subject-case": [0], // subject大小写不做校验
prompt: {
messages: {
type: "选择你要提交的类型 :",
scope: "选择一个提交范围(可选):",
customScope: "请输入自定义的提交范围 :",
subject: "填写简短精炼的变更描述 :\n",
body: '填写更加详细的变更描述(可选)。使用 "|" 换行 :\n',
breaking: '列举非兼容性重大的变更(可选)。使用 "|" 换行 :\n',
footerPrefixesSelect: "选择关联issue前缀(可选):",
customFooterPrefix: "输入自定义issue前缀 :",
footer: "列举关联issue (可选) 例如: #31, #I3244 :\n",
generatingByAI: "正在通过 AI 生成你的提交简短描述...",
generatedSelectByAI: "选择一个 AI 生成的简短描述:",
confirmCommit: "是否提交或修改commit ?",
// prettier-ignore
types: [
{ value: "feat", name: "特性: ✨ 新增功能", emoji: ":sparkles:" },
{ value: "fix", name: "修复: 🐛 修复缺陷", emoji: ":bug:" },
{ value: "docs", name: "文档: 📝 文档变更", emoji: ":memo:" },
{ value: "style", name: "格式: 🌈 代码格式(不影响功能,例如空格、分号等格式修正)", emoji: ":lipstick:" },
{ value: "refactor", name: "重构: 🔄 代码重构(不包括 bug 修复、功能新增)", emoji: ":recycle:" },
{ value: "perf", name: "性能: 🚀 性能优化", emoji: ":zap:" },
{ value: "test", name: "测试: 🧪 添加疏漏测试或已有测试改动", emoji: ":white_check_mark:"},
{ value: "build", name: "构建: 📦 构建流程、外部依赖变更(如升级 npm 包、修改 vite 配置等)", emoji: ":package:"},
{ value: "ci", name: "集成: ⚙ 修改 CI 配置、脚本", emoji: ":ferris_wheel:"},
{ value: "revert", name: "回退: ↩ 回滚 commit",emoji: ":rewind:"},
{ value: "chore", name: "其他: 🛠 对构建过程或辅助工具和库的更改(不影响源文件、测试用例)", emoji: ":hammer:"},
useEmoji: true,
emojiAlign: "center",
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aiNumber: 1,
themeColorCode: "",
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breaklineNumber: 100,
breaklineChar: "|",
skipQuestions: [],
issuePrefixes: [
{ value: "closed", name: "closed: ISSUES has been processed" },
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confirmColorize: true,
maxHeaderLength: Infinity,
maxSubjectLength: Infinity,
minSubjectLength: 0,
scopeOverrides: undefined,
defaultBody: "",
defaultIssues: "",
defaultScope: "",
defaultSubject: "",

@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
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@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
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Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 9.1 KiB

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
<el-config-provider :locale="locale" :size="size">
<!-- 开启水印 -->
:font="{ color: fontColor }"
<router-view />
<!-- 关闭水印 -->
<router-view v-else />
<script setup lang="ts">
import { useAppStore, useSettingsStore } from "@/store";
import defaultSettings from "@/settings";
import { ThemeEnum } from "@/enums/ThemeEnum";
const appStore = useAppStore();
const settingsStore = useSettingsStore();
const locale = computed(() => appStore.locale);
const size = computed(() => appStore.size);
const watermarkEnabled = computed(() => settingsStore.watermarkEnabled);
// /
const fontColor = computed(() => {
return settingsStore.theme === ThemeEnum.DARK
? "rgba(255, 255, 255, .15)"
: "rgba(0, 0, 0, .15)";

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
import request from "@/utils/request";
export interface ArticleQuery {
page?: number;
limit?: number;
sort?: string;
title?: string;
type?: string;
importance?: number;
export interface ArticleDetail {
id: number;
timestamp: number;
title: string;
type: string;
status: string;
importance: number;
content?: string;
remark?: string;
export interface ArticleCreate {
type: string;
timestamp: Date;
title: string;
status?: string;
importance?: number;
remark?: string;
export interface ArticleUpdate {
id: number;
type?: string;
timestamp?: Date;
title?: string;
status?: string;
importance?: number;
remark?: string;
export function fetchList(query: ArticleQuery) {
return request({
url: "/api/v1/article/list",
method: "get",
params: query,
export function fetchArticle(id: number) {
return request({
url: "/api/v1/article/detail",
method: "get",
params: { id },
export function fetchPv(id: number) {
return request({
url: "/api/v1/article/pv",
method: "get",
params: { id },
export function createArticle(data: ArticleCreate) {
return request({
url: "/api/v1/article/create",
method: "post",
export function updateArticle(data: ArticleUpdate) {
return request({
url: "/api/v1/article/update",
method: "post",
export function deleteArticle(id: number) {
return request({
url: "/api/v1/article/delete",
method: "post",
data: { id },

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
import request from "@/utils/request";
import { AxiosPromise } from "axios";
import { CaptchaResult, LoginData, LoginResult } from "./types";
* @param data {LoginData}
* @returns
export function loginApi(data: LoginData): AxiosPromise<LoginResult> {
const formData = new FormData();
formData.append("username", data.username);
formData.append("password", data.password);
formData.append("captchaKey", data.captchaKey || "");
formData.append("captchaCode", data.captchaCode || "");
return request({
url: "/api/v1/auth/login",
method: "post",
data: formData,
headers: {
"Content-Type": "multipart/form-data",
export function logoutApi() {
return request({
url: "/api/v1/auth/logout",
method: "delete",
export function getCaptchaApi(): AxiosPromise<CaptchaResult> {
return request({
url: "/api/v1/auth/captcha",
method: "get",

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
export interface LoginData {
username: string;
password: string;
* key
captchaKey?: string;
captchaCode?: string;
export interface LoginResult {
* 访token
accessToken?: string;
* ()
expires?: number;
* token
refreshToken?: string;
* token
tokenType?: string;
export interface CaptchaResult {
* key
captchaKey: string;
* Base64字符串
captchaBase64: string;

@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
import request from "@/utils/request";
import { AxiosPromise } from "axios";
import { DeptForm, DeptQuery, DeptVO } from "./types";
* @param queryParams
export function listDepts(queryParams?: DeptQuery): AxiosPromise<DeptVO[]> {
return request({
url: "/api/v1/dept",
method: "get",
params: queryParams,
export function getDeptOptions(): AxiosPromise<OptionType[]> {
return request({
url: "/api/v1/dept/options",
method: "get",
* @param id
export function getDeptForm(id: number): AxiosPromise<DeptForm> {
return request({
url: "/api/v1/dept/" + id + "/form",
method: "get",
* @param data
export function addDept(data: DeptForm) {
return request({
url: "/api/v1/dept",
method: "post",
data: data,
* @param id
* @param data
export function updateDept(id: number, data: DeptForm) {
return request({
url: "/api/v1/dept/" + id,
method: "put",
data: data,
* @param ids
export function deleteDept(ids: string) {
return request({
url: "/api/v1/dept/" + ids,
method: "delete",

@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
export interface DeptQuery {
keywords?: string;
status?: number;
export interface DeptVO {
children?: DeptVO[];
createTime?: Date;
* ID
id?: number;
name?: string;
* ID
parentId?: number;
sort?: number;
* (1:启用0:禁用)
status?: number;
updateTime?: Date;
export interface DeptForm {
* ID()
id?: number;
name?: string;
* ID
parentId: number;
sort?: number;
* (1:启用0)
status?: number;

@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
import {
} from "@/api/device-type-ver/types";
import request from "@/utils/request";
import { AxiosPromise } from "axios";
export function deviceTypeToVerPage(
data: DeviceTypeToVerQuery
): AxiosPromise<DeviceTypeToVerPageResult> {
return request({
url: "/api/device-type-ver/v1/device-type/page",
method: "POST",
export function updateTypeAndVersionState(typeAndVerId: number) {
return request({
url: `/api/device-type-ver/v1/audit-soft-state/${typeAndVerId}`,
method: "PUT",
export function updateTypeNewSoftState(typeAndVerId: number) {
return request({
url: `/api/device-type-ver/v1/audit-new-soft-state/${typeAndVerId}`,
method: "PUT",
export function copySoftVerToOtherOui(devTypeId: any, typeAndVerId: number) {
return request({
url: `/api/device-type-ver/v1/audit-new-soft-state/${typeAndVerId}/${devTypeId}`,
method: "PUT",
export function deleteDeviceTypeVersionById(typeAndVerId: number) {
return request({
url: `/api/device-type-ver/v1/delete-device-type/${typeAndVerId}`,
method: "DELETE",
export function deleteDeviceTypeVersionFile(
typeAndVerId: number,
fileId: number
) {
return request({
url: `/api/device-type-ver/v1/delete-device-ver-file/${typeAndVerId}/${fileId}`,
method: "DELETE",
export function findDevTypeVerEditForm(
typeAndVerId: number
): AxiosPromise<DeviceTypeVerForm> {
return request({
url: `/api/device-type-ver/v1/find-dev-type-ver-edit-form/${typeAndVerId}`,
method: "GET",
export function editDevTypeVerForm(data: DeviceTypeVerForm) {
return request({
url: "/api/device-type-ver/v1/edit-dev-type-ver-form",
method: "POST",

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
export interface DeviceTypeToVerQuery extends PageQuery {
devTypeId?: number;
export interface DeviceTypeToVerVO {
typeAndVerId?: number;
softVer?: string;
fileName?: string;
fileId?: string;
fileCreateTime?: string;
auditTime?: string;
auditUserName?: string;
devTypeVerStatus?: string;
newSoftStatus?: string;
export type DeviceTypeToVerPageResult = PageResult<DeviceTypeToVerVO[]>;
export interface DeviceTypeVerForm {
typeAndVerId?: number;
softVer?: string;
auditTime?: string;
auditUserName?: string;
connectReqUsername?: string;
connectReqPassword?: string;
acsUrlPassword?: string;
devTypeVerDesc?: string;
provisionFlag?: string;
devAccessType?: string;
devTypeName?: string;
devTypeNameNew?: string;
oldCASeparation?: string;
specVer?: string;

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
import {
} from "@/api/device-type/types";
import request from "@/utils/request";
import { AxiosPromise } from "axios";
export function getDeviceTypePage(
data: DeviceTypeQuery
): AxiosPromise<DeviceTypePageResult> {
return request({
url: "/api/dev-type/v1/page",
method: "POST",
export function findDevTypeById(devTypeId: number): AxiosPromise<DeviceTypeVO> {
return request({
url: `/api/dev-type/v1/${devTypeId}`,
method: "GET",

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
import { DictTypePageVO } from "@/api/dict/types";
export interface DeviceTypeQuery extends PageQuery {
devVendorName?: string;
devVendorOui?: string;
devTypeName?: string;
devHardVer?: string;
export interface DeviceTypePageVO {
devTypeId?: number;
devVendorName?: string;
devVendorOui?: string;
devTypeName?: string;
devHardVer?: string;
typeAndVerId?: number;
devTypeVerStatus?: string;
tr069VerName?: string;
devTypeNameNew?: string;
softVer?: string;
export type DeviceTypePageResult = PageResult<DeviceTypePageVO[]>;
export interface DeviceTypeVO {
devTypeId?: number;
devVendorName?: string;
devVendorOui?: string;
devTypeName?: string;
devHardVer?: string;
devTypeDesc?: string;

@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
import request from "@/utils/request";
import { AxiosPromise } from "axios";
import {
} from "./types";
* @param queryParams
export function getDictTypePage(
queryParams: DictTypeQuery
): AxiosPromise<DictTypePageResult> {
return request({
url: "/api/v1/dict/types/page",
method: "get",
params: queryParams,
* @param id
export function getDictTypeForm(id: number): AxiosPromise<DictTypeForm> {
return request({
url: "/api/v1/dict/types/" + id + "/form",
method: "get",
* @param data
export function addDictType(data: DictTypeForm) {
return request({
url: "/api/v1/dict/types",
method: "post",
data: data,
* @param id
* @param data
export function updateDictType(id: number, data: DictTypeForm) {
return request({
url: "/api/v1/dict/types/" + id,
method: "put",
data: data,
export function deleteDictTypes(ids: string) {
return request({
url: "/api/v1/dict/types/" + ids,
method: "delete",
* @param typeCode
export function getDictOptions(typeCode: string): AxiosPromise<OptionType[]> {
return request({
url: "/api/v1/dict/" + typeCode + "/options",
method: "get",
export function getDictPage(
queryParams: DictQuery
): AxiosPromise<DictPageResult> {
return request({
url: "/api/v1/dict/page",
method: "get",
params: queryParams,
* @param id
export function getDictFormData(id: number): AxiosPromise<DictForm> {
return request({
url: "/api/v1/dict/" + id + "/form",
method: "get",
* @param data
export function addDict(data: DictForm) {
return request({
url: "/api/v1/dict",
method: "post",
data: data,
* @param id
* @param data
export function updateDict(id: number, data: DictForm) {
return request({
url: "/api/v1/dict/" + id,
method: "put",
data: data,
* @param ids ID(,)
export function deleteDict(ids: string) {
return request({
url: "/api/v1/dict/" + ids,
method: "delete",

@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
export interface DictTypeQuery extends PageQuery {
* (/)
keywords?: string;
export interface DictTypePageVO {
* ID
id: number;
code: string;
name: string;
* (1:启用;0:禁用)
status?: number;
remark?: string;
export type DictTypePageResult = PageResult<DictTypePageVO[]>;
export interface DictTypeForm {
* ID
id?: number;
name?: string;
code?: string;
* 1:启用;0:禁用
status: number;
remark?: string;
export interface DictQuery extends PageQuery {
name?: string;
typeCode?: string;
export interface DictPageVO {
* ID
id?: number;
name?: string;
* (1:启用;0:禁用)
status?: number;
value?: string;
export type DictPageResult = PageResult<DictPageVO[]>;
export interface DictForm {
* ID
id?: number;
name?: string;
sort?: number;
* (1:启用;0:禁用)
status?: number;
typeCode?: string;
value?: string;
remark?: string;

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
import { DomainForm, DomainQuery, DomainVo } from "@/api/domain/types";
import request from "@/utils/request";
import { AxiosPromise } from "axios";
export function getDomainList(
data: DomainQuery
): AxiosPromise<Array<DomainVo>> {
return request({
url: "/api/domain/v1/list",
method: "POST",
export function getDomainOptions(): AxiosPromise<OptionType[]> {
return request({
url: "/api/domain/v1/options",
method: "GET",
export function addDomain(data: DomainForm) {
return request({
url: "/api/domain/v1/add_domain",
method: "POST",
export function editDomain(data: DomainForm) {
return request({
url: "/api/domain/v1/edit_domain",
method: "POST",
export function deleteDomain(groupId: number) {
return request({
url: `/api/domain/v1/${groupId}`,
method: "DELETE",
export function getDomainByGroupId(groupId: number): AxiosPromise<DomainForm> {
return request({
url: `/api/domain/v1/${groupId}`,
method: "GET",

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
export interface DomainQuery extends PageQuery {
keywords?: string;
export interface DomainVo {
id?: number;
groupId?: number;
groupName?: string;
parentGroupId?: number;
description?: string;
children?: Array<DomainVo>;
export interface DomainForm {
id?: number;
groupId?: number;
groupName?: string;
parentGroupId?: number;
description?: string;

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
import { FileListPageResult, FileListQuery } from "@/api/file-list/types";
import { AxiosPromise } from "axios";
import request from "@/utils/request";
export function getPageData(
data: FileListQuery
): AxiosPromise<FileListPageResult> {
return request({
url: "/api/file_list/v1/page",
method: "POST",

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
import { FileServerVO } from "@/api/file-server/types";
export interface FileListQuery extends PageQuery {
fileName?: string;
fileType?: string;
fileServerId?: number | undefined;
export interface FileListVO {
fileId?: number;
userName?: string;
fileType?: string;
fileName?: string;
fileCreateTime?: string;
fileDesc?: string;
* ID
fileServId?: number;
export type FileListPageResult = PageResult<FileListVO[]>;

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
import request from "@/utils/request";
import { AxiosPromise } from "axios";
import { FileServerForm, FileServerPageResult } from "@/api/file-server/types";
export function getFileServerPage(
data: PageQuery
): AxiosPromise<FileServerPageResult> {
return request({
url: "/api/file_server/v1/page",
method: "POST",
export function findFileServerFormById(
id: number
): AxiosPromise<FileServerForm> {
return request({
url: `/api/file_server/v1/${id}`,
method: "GET",
export function editFileServer(data: FileServerForm) {
return request({
url: "/api/file_server/v1/edit",
method: "POST",

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
import { DictTypePageVO } from "@/api/dict/types";
export interface FileServerVO {
fileServId?: number;
fileServName?: string;
supportMode?: string;
ftpIp?: string;
ftpPort?: string;
ftpUserName?: string;
ftpRootDir?: string;
export type FileServerPageResult = PageResult<FileServerVO[]>;
export interface FileServerForm {
fileServId?: number;
fileServName?: string;
supportMode?: string;
ftpIp?: string;
ftpPort?: string;
ftpUserName?: string;
ftpRootDir?: string;
ftpVerifyPassword?: string;
ftpPassword?: string;

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
import request from "@/utils/request";
import { AxiosPromise } from "axios";
import { FileInfo } from "./types";
* @param file
export function uploadFileApi(file: File): AxiosPromise<string> {
const formData = new FormData();
formData.append("file", file);
return request({
url: "/api/file-option/v1/upload",
method: "POST",
data: formData,
headers: {
"Content-Type": "multipart/form-data",
* @param fileId
export function downloadFileApi(fileId: number) {
return request({
url: `/api/file-option/v1/download/${fileId}`,
method: "GET",
responseType: "blob",

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
* API类型声明
export interface FileInfo {
name: string;
url: string;

@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
import request from "@/utils/request";
import { AxiosPromise } from "axios";
import { MenuQuery, MenuVO, MenuForm } from "./types";
export function listRoutes() {
return request({
url: "/api/v1/menus/routes",
method: "get",
* @param queryParams
export function listMenus(queryParams: MenuQuery): AxiosPromise<MenuVO[]> {
return request({
url: "/api/v1/menus",
method: "get",
params: queryParams,
export function getMenuOptions(): AxiosPromise<OptionType[]> {
return request({
url: "/api/v1/menus/options",
method: "get",
* @param id
export function getMenuForm(id: number): AxiosPromise<MenuForm> {
return request({
url: "/api/v1/menus/" + id + "/form",
method: "get",
* @param data
export function addMenu(data: MenuForm) {
return request({
url: "/api/v1/menus",
method: "post",
data: data,
* @param id
* @param data
export function updateMenu(id: string, data: MenuForm) {
return request({
url: "/api/v1/menus/" + id,
method: "put",
data: data,
* @param id ID
export function deleteMenu(id: number) {
return request({
url: "/api/v1/menus/" + id,
method: "delete",

@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
import { MenuTypeEnum } from "@/enums/MenuTypeEnum";
export interface MenuQuery {
keywords?: string;
export interface MenuVO {
children?: MenuVO[];
component?: string;
icon?: string;
* ID
id?: number;
name?: string;
* ID
parentId?: number;
perm?: string;
redirect?: string;
routeName?: string;
routePath?: string;
* ()
sort?: number;
type?: MenuTypeEnum;
* (1:显示;0:隐藏)
visible?: number;
export interface MenuForm {
* ID
id?: string;
* ID
parentId?: number;
name?: string;
* (1:;0:;)
visible: number;
icon?: string;
sort: number;
component?: string;
path?: string;
redirect?: string;
type: MenuTypeEnum;
perm?: string;
keepAlive?: number;
alwaysShow?: number;

@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
import request from "@/utils/request";
import { AxiosPromise } from "axios";
import { RoleQuery, RolePageResult, RoleForm } from "./types";
* @param queryParams
export function getRolePage(
queryParams?: RoleQuery
): AxiosPromise<RolePageResult> {
return request({
url: "/api/v1/roles/page",
method: "get",
params: queryParams,
* @param queryParams
export function getRoleOptions(
queryParams?: RoleQuery
): AxiosPromise<OptionType[]> {
return request({
url: "/api/v1/roles/options",
method: "get",
params: queryParams,
* ID集合
* @param queryParams
export function getRoleMenuIds(roleId: number): AxiosPromise<number[]> {
return request({
url: "/api/v1/roles/" + roleId + "/menuIds",
method: "get",
* @param queryParams
export function updateRoleMenus(
roleId: number,
data: number[]
): AxiosPromise<any> {
return request({
url: "/api/v1/roles/" + roleId + "/menus",
method: "put",
data: data,
* @param id
export function getRoleForm(id: number): AxiosPromise<RoleForm> {
return request({
url: "/api/v1/roles/" + id + "/form",
method: "get",
* @param data
export function addRole(data: RoleForm) {
return request({
url: "/api/v1/roles",
method: "post",
data: data,
* @param id
* @param data
export function updateRole(id: number, data: RoleForm) {
return request({
url: "/api/v1/roles/" + id,
method: "put",
data: data,
* (,)
* @param ids
export function deleteRoles(ids: string) {
return request({
url: "/api/v1/roles/" + ids,
method: "delete",

@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
export interface RoleQuery extends PageQuery {
keywords?: string;
export interface RolePageVO {
code?: string;
* ID
id?: number;
name?: string;
sort?: number;
status?: number;
createTime?: Date;
updateTime?: Date;
export type RolePageResult = PageResult<RolePageVO[]>;
export interface RoleForm {
* ID
id?: number;
code: string;
dataScope?: number;
name: string;
sort?: number;
* (1-0-)
status?: number;

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
import { AxiosPromise } from "axios";
import { CapabilityForm } from "@/api/type-ver-ext/types";
import request from "@/utils/request";
export function getCapabilityForm(
typeAndVerId: string
): AxiosPromise<CapabilityForm> {
return request({
url: `/api/type-ver-ext/v1/${typeAndVerId}`,
method: "GET",
export function editCapabilityForm(data: CapabilityForm) {
return request({
url: `/api/type-ver-ext/v1/edit`,
method: "POST",

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
export interface CapabilityForm {
typeAndVerId?: string | number;
lanNumber?: string;
voipPortNumber?: string;
gePortNumber?: string;
fePortNumber?: string;
wifiType?: string;
wifiConfig?: string;
voipProtocol?: string;
capability?: string;
mesh?: string;
ywg?: string;
tr143?: string;
ipv6Enable?: string;
reboot?: string;

@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
import request from "@/utils/request";
import { AxiosPromise } from "axios";
import { UserForm, UserInfo, UserPageVO, UserQuery } from "./types";
export function getUserInfoApi(): AxiosPromise<UserInfo> {
return request({
url: "/api/v1/users/me",
method: "get",
* @param queryParams
export function getUserPage(
queryParams: UserQuery
): AxiosPromise<PageResult<UserPageVO[]>> {
return request({
url: "/api/v1/users/page",
method: "get",
params: queryParams,
* @param userId
export function getUserForm(userId: number): AxiosPromise<UserForm> {
return request({
url: "/api/v1/users/" + userId + "/form",
method: "get",
* @param data
export function addUser(data: any) {
return request({
url: "/api/v1/users",
method: "post",
data: data,
* @param id
* @param data
export function updateUser(id: number, data: UserForm) {
return request({
url: "/api/v1/users/" + id,
method: "put",
data: data,
* @param id
* @param password
export function updateUserPassword(id: number, password: string) {
return request({
url: "/api/v1/users/" + id + "/password",
method: "patch",
params: { password: password },
* @param ids
export function deleteUsers(ids: string) {
return request({
url: "/api/v1/users/" + ids,
method: "delete",
* @returns
export function downloadTemplateApi() {
return request({
url: "/api/v1/users/template",
method: "get",
responseType: "arraybuffer",
* @param queryParams
* @returns
export function exportUser(queryParams: UserQuery) {
return request({
url: "/api/v1/users/_export",
method: "get",
params: queryParams,
responseType: "arraybuffer",
* @param file
export function importUser(deptId: number, file: File) {
const formData = new FormData();
formData.append("file", file);
return request({
url: "/api/v1/users/_import",
method: "post",
params: { deptId: deptId },
data: formData,
headers: {
"Content-Type": "multipart/form-data",

@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
export interface UserInfo {
userId?: number;
username?: string;
nickname?: string;
avatar?: string;
roles: string[];
perms: string[];
export interface UserQuery extends PageQuery {
keywords?: string;
status?: number;
deptId?: number;
startTime?: string;
endTime?: string;
groupId?: number;
export interface UserPageVO {
avatar?: string;
createTime?: Date;
deptName?: string;
email?: string;
genderLabel?: string;
* ID
id?: number;
mobile?: string;
nickname?: string;
* 使(,)
roleNames?: string;
* (1:启用;0:禁用)
status?: number;
username?: string;
* xi
groupName?: string;
export interface UserForm {
avatar?: string;
* ID
deptId?: number;
email?: string;
gender?: number;
* ID
id?: number;
mobile?: string;
nickname?: string;
* ID集合
roleIds?: number[];
* (1:正常;0:禁用)
status?: number;
username?: string;
domainGroupId?: number;

@ -0,0 +1 @@
<svg class="icon" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" xmlns="" width="200" height="200"><path d="M499.2 671.232v-261.12h102.4c16.384 0 28.672 1.024 37.888 2.56 13.312 2.048 24.576 6.656 34.816 13.312 9.728 6.656 17.92 16.384 23.552 28.16 6.144 12.288 8.704 25.6 8.192 38.4 0 23.552-7.68 44.032-23.04 59.904-15.36 16.896-40.96 25.088-78.848 25.088h-43.52v93.184l-61.44.512zm281.6 0h-61.952v-261.12H780.8v261.12zm-287.744 0h-69.12L396.8 601.6h-73.728l-25.088 69.632h-66.56l100.352-261.12h54.272l107.008 261.12zM343.552 545.28h32.256l-15.872-42.496c0-.512-.512-1.024-.512-1.536l-15.872 44.032zm217.6-26.112h43.52c20.48 0 28.16-4.608 31.232-7.168 4.608-4.096 7.168-10.752 7.168-18.944 0-6.656-1.536-11.776-4.096-15.36-2.56-3.584-6.144-6.144-10.752-7.68-1.536-.512-6.656-1.536-24.064-1.536h-43.008v50.688z"/><path d="M747.52 842.752H512c-8.704 0-16.384-3.584-22.016-9.728-6.144-6.144-9.216-14.336-8.704-22.528.512-16.896 14.336-30.72 31.232-31.232H747.52c115.712 0 209.408-94.208 209.408-209.408 0-104.96-78.848-194.56-183.296-207.872l-22.528-3.072-4.608-22.016C724.992 231.936 631.808 156.16 524.288 156.16c-124.928 0-226.304 101.376-226.304 226.304v8.704l1.536 36.352-36.352-4.096c-6.144-1.024-12.288-1.024-18.432-1.024-98.304 0-178.176 79.872-178.176 178.176 0 98.304 79.872 178.176 178.176 178.176h63.488c8.704 0 16.384 3.584 22.016 9.728 6.144 6.144 9.216 14.336 8.704 22.528-.512 16.896-14.336 30.72-31.232 31.232h-64c-64 0-123.904-25.088-169.472-70.144C28.16 726.528 3.072 665.6 3.072 601.088c0-129.536 103.936-236.544 232.448-241.152 12.288-157.184 149.504-276.48 307.2-266.24 59.904 3.584 118.784 27.136 165.888 65.536 45.568 37.376 77.824 87.04 94.208 143.872 125.952 26.112 217.088 137.728 217.088 266.752.512 151.04-121.856 272.896-272.384 272.896z"/><path d="M572.416 930.816c-8.192 0-15.872-3.072-21.504-8.704L431.616 812.544l113.152-117.76c6.144-6.144 13.824-9.216 22.528-9.216 8.704 0 16.384 3.072 22.528 9.216 11.776 11.776 12.288 31.232 1.024 44.032l-68.608 70.656 71.68 66.048c6.144 5.632 9.728 13.312 10.24 22.016.512 8.704-2.56 16.384-8.192 23.04-6.656 6.656-14.848 10.24-23.552 10.24z"/></svg>


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 2.1 KiB

@ -0,0 +1 @@
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@ -0,0 +1 @@
<svg class="icon" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" xmlns="" width="200" height="200"><path d="M832.128 768c33.195 0 60.501 25.173 63.573 57.813L896 832a64 64 0 0 1-63.872 64H533.205a63.787 63.787 0 0 1-63.872-64 64 64 0 0 1 63.872-64h298.923zM213.333 874.667c-23.722 0-42.666-19.072-42.666-42.624V362.667A42.667 42.667 0 0 1 213.333 320l4.992.299C239.66 322.73 256 340.779 256 362.624l-.043 128.043h128.299c21.248 0 39.595 16.469 42.112 37.674l.299 4.992-.299 4.992A42.368 42.368 0 0 1 384.256 576H256l.043 213.333h128.256c22.869 0 42.41 19.115 42.41 42.667l-.298 4.992a42.368 42.368 0 0 1-42.112 37.675zm618.795-405.334c33.195 0 60.501 25.174 63.573 57.814l.299 6.186a64 64 0 0 1-63.872 64H533.205a63.787 63.787 0 0 1-63.872-64 64 64 0 0 1 63.872-64h298.923zM576.171 128c33.194 0 60.458 25.173 63.573 57.813L640 192c0 35.328-29.013 64-63.83 64H191.83A63.744 63.744 0 0 1 128 192c0-35.328 29.013-64 63.83-64h384.34z"/></svg>


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